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Increased Automation and AI risks can be solved with UBI

The rational behind a Synthetic AI Hand Project is straight forward. The entire human race civilization is built by a pair of hands duplicated over and over again doing the little things that collectively becomes civilization. So if we could make a pair of really good AI infused synthetic hands, only one pair of hands would ever get built, and the rest are all just duplicates.

Project details: Synthetic AI Hand Project

1. Universal Basic Income or UBI is being trialed in some areas of the world, but the precise reasons why it is being trialed have never made sense to anyone. Those who pursue it do it for ideological reasons and political reasons. None of which is relevant.

2. The reasons for that is simple. We didn't live in an age where UBI is feasible.

3. However with the rapid approach of the Technological Singularity, automation and AI are doubling in capability every 18 months. We are moving into an age of plenty. For this age of plenty to work, we need UBI.

4. The simplest way to implement UBI is to collect VAT (Value Added Tax) on goods sold, remove it from being used for any further political projects and leave it aside as UBI for everyone.

5. This will allow the goods produced by factories to be consumed by everyone that needs it. Rich people can buy expensive items and more items, and pay more tax knowing that their contribution actually generates more UBI for everyone.

6. Factories that produce goods still need to be competitive, make relevant products and most important of all, they can increase their AI and automation investment knowing that if their products are good, there will always be customers to buy their products.

7. When products like the Synthetic AI Hand Project starts producing results for example displacing expert chefs in preparing food, everyone has UBI and so no one will go hungry.

8. Those with money that stand to lose influence which money and power brings, and those with Dystopian views, will always find a way to paint a negative view of UBI. They could just as well paint a positive world view and sell only the benefits of UBI because the Technological Singularity is rapidly approaching (about 17 to 22 years from the time this article is written) and that is not a whole lot of time to make mistakes.

9. We don't want to go around punishing people for being poor in an age of plenty. We haven't the time to listen to negative world views. And even if we did choose a horrible path to punish poor people for being poor and justify that as the right thing to do, the Technological Singularity does not care, and will reign in the age of plenty in some other countries. Because of this, we need to choose who we listen to. Looking carefully at the Technological Singularity Curve, we also need to choose our heroes.

10. The above is a drawing of technology such as global computing power and how much it increases with time. It is an exponential curve doubling every 18 months, and it goes vertical around 2035. What is incredible about this technological curve is that it has not flinched from its projected trajectory since it was first drawn. And the curve can be drawn back to more than a hundred years. In the intervening period such as World War I and Word War II, the curve did not flinch. That is an almost impossible concept to absorb, and follow through all its ramifications. Nevertheless we are on this curve, and we need to absorb the details and re-calibrate our views of the world that we are born into.

11. In short form, what the Technological Singularity Curve is saying is that while the military and politicians were waging war, and killing each other and civilians, the hard truth is that the rest of the world continued to function as it always had, driven by technological advances by techies that drive society forward. The true heroes of the world may not be politicians, kings, queens, military, religious leaders, nobles, the rich, the powerful, media etc, but the humble techie. The rumblings of this stark observations come into view in 2017 when for a brief time, tech companies were more valuable than all of the banks in the world put together. One company, Alibaba, took $24 billion in sales in one day facilitated by Internet and technology. As we edge closer to 2035, it is likely that all value will shift towards technology companies and what they can do for society with their products that capture daily mind share.

12. Techies have gifted us with mobile phone and every 18 months or so, it has doubled in capabilities and empowerment to all. Billions now use use. It is now not that difficult to put a mobile phone in the hands of someone in deepest darkest Africa and let them learn and set up a web shop to sell original art and craft and buy a Tesla a few weeks later is a genuine possibility. No politician has ever delivered on such equality. UBI is the next something techies will gift the world with through automation and AI at an increasing pace that is coming from the Technological Singularity. Taking a simple tax such as VAT (or sales tax as its known in other countries) for UBI and prohibiting its use for other political projects would be the simplest way to ensure everyone can get UBI. We already pay this tax and so its not a new tax, and the infrastructure for its collection is already available in most developed countries. We just need regulations to ensure VAT is used for UBI and no other political projects.

13. Governments for their part will also need to demonetize substantial numbers of items over time so that UBI is not wasted on essentials such as a qualified amounts of clean water, electricity, heating and air conditioning, Internet, travel, education, health services, and so on. Again this is not a new thing. Healthcare is already demonetized in many countries. Basic education is free in many countries. Travel is free for very young and the retired in many countries. With self driving vehicles such as buses, the fee for average member of the public should be reduced ever further to reflect the cost of providing the service, and reduction in the barrier to entry to such markets for new players, so that in an age of UBI, transportation costs should not amount to some artificial target of something like 50% of your UBI if you have a reasonable average commute. Where such targets do exist it should be opened up for discussion and debate to see if it is fair in an age of UBI. Just because someone  thought it is fair at the time a target is set, it will unlikely work in an age of UBI.

14. In a UBI led world, we need to go further with how we charge customers. It is not fair for example to charge in the age of computers, $1 for a parking space per hour. We should be able to read car number plates, and charge according to entry to exit duration. This is already working AI + Automation technology that replaces and army of parking attendants and tons of paperwork. So if you spent only 30 minutes in the car park, you should only pay $0.50.  Micro payment system already exist, but there is no end of banks and clearing houses that want a pound of flesh for every transaction. Detailed investigations have revealed that in the age of computers, many payment processing fees levied do not reflect the true cost of a transaction. In the age of UBI, this kind of staircase invoicing and unreasonable inflation of costs should be banned by government order so that all those on UBI can get a lot more work done each day instead of having all their funding seized by unfair charges from car parks to hidden fees that do not reflect the cost of providing that service that we are powerless to avoid or refuse.

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